Several Técnico alumni gathered in Madrid, at the Pestana Plaza Mayor Hotel, for the 4th edition of the Alumni Chapters, which has already taken place in New York, San Francisco and Munich. The event, held on 28 November, was another milestone in the internationalisation of the Técnico Alumni Network.
About 40 alumni attended the event, which included those who have been in the region for more than 15 years, newcomers, those who are leaving, or those who came to spend the weekend and didn’t want to miss out.
For the first time, the opening of a chapter was attended by the president of Técnico, professor Rogério Colaço, who shared his ‘pride to see such a dynamic Alumni Network’ and explained how this initiative is part of the internationalisation strategy that has been developed during his leadership as president since 2020. ‘The most inspiring thing was realising that the course we choose doesn’t define the limits of our future, but rather equips us with the essential tools and skills to achieve any goal that our ambition and creativity can reach’, said João Bugalho, an Industrial Engineering and Management alumnus. ‘Without a doubt, Técnico has left a deep mark on each of us, in an even more positive way than we often imagine’, he added.
Maria Jesus, an Industrial Engineering and Management alumna, thanked Técnico for this meeting and its atmosphere. ‘It was a unique opportunity to meet people who, even before I met them, already shared three things in common with me: we’re Portuguese, we live in Madrid and we studied at the same university’, she said.
Generations spanning 40 years and classmates who hadn’t seen each other for over 30 years met again and relieved memories of the demanding but happy times spent at the school. ‘A student ends up leaving Técnico, but Técnico is always present in the lives of the alumni,’ said Gustavo Homem, an Engineering Physics alumnus.
The meeting laid the foundations for the growth of this alumni group in Madrid. Sofia Cabeleira, the Técnico Alumni Community Manager, couldn’t be prouder at seeing the community gathered together. ‘More than just a sharing of memories of their time at Técnico, it was an opportunity to reflect on how the School has deeply affected them and how they are prepared to give back to their Alma Mater’, she emphasised. ‘It was a memorable afternoon that celebrated the spirit of Técnico and opened doors to new collaborations and synergies in the future’, she concluded.
Pedro Amaral, the Vice-president of Técnico for Corporate Interface, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Carla Patrocínio, Head of the Technology Transfer Office at Técnico, also attended the event.