Campus and Community

Book “Técnicas Matemáticas da Física” – IST Press

IST Press published the book “Técnicas Matemáticas da Física”, by Rui Dilão.

This book is an introduction to the foundations and language of Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering, developed since the early twentieth century. Lebesgue integration theory, Hilbert space, operator theory, Fourier analysis, distribution theory or generalized functions and partial differential equation are the most important concepts addressed.

The book “Técnicas Matemáticas da Física” is based on the course “Mathematical Methods for Physics”, taught in the third year of the Integrated Master in Engineering Physics at Instituto Superior Técnico, and aims to make very powerful mathematical results more accessible, allowing a pragmatic approach to modern physics. The traditional mathematical formulation was abandoned, namely in its traditional theorems, opting for a more discursive formulation, without losing accuracy.

This book is intended for undergraduate and graduate students who want to develop a strong base in modern mathematical and computational modeling techniques, in the study of quantum mechanics and field theory. The subjects covered are part of the basic curricula of various courses: Physics, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.