Carlos Mota Soares, professor at Técnico since 1977 and full professor from 1985 until his retirement, was awarded the Doctor Honoris Causa degree by the University of Porto (U.Porto), in recognition of an “outstanding academic and professional career”.
According to the dispatch of U.Porto’s Rector, professor Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo, it is “unanimously” recognised his “remarkable leadership and his decisive intervention, aiming at the scientific and pedagogical progress of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at FEUP (Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto)”.
Throughout his academic and professional career, the professor held several prominent positions, such as associate researcher at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research of the University of Southampton, director of CEMUL (Centro de Mecânica e de Materiais das Universidade de Lisboa), director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Técnico and director and co-founder of IDMEC – Mechanical Engineering Institute.
According to Rector’ s dispatch “Professor Mota Soares is recognised as one of the people responsible for the modernisation of Mechanical Engineering in Portugal”. The full document can be read here.