Campus and Community

Técnico professor is the only Portuguese researcher to be elected IEEE Fellow in 2025

The US institution IEEE has recognised Joaquim Jorge's work in the area of interfaces based on design, modelling and virtual reality.

Joaquim Jorge, a professor at Instituto Superior Técnico and a researcher at Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores (INESC-ID) in Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction, has been elevated to IEEE Fellow by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), making him the only Portuguese researcher to achieve that in 2025.

Joaquim Jorge received the highest distinction conferred by the IEEE to its members for his contributions as a lecturer and researcher in the area of interfaces based on design, modelling and virtual reality, influencing the development of cutting-edge tools and techniques shaping the future of human-computer interaction.

The full professor of computer science and engineering is a member of the 2023-2025 Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS). In 2022, he was selected to join the IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitors Program (DVP), which brings together a group of academic and professional top-quality speakers serving IEEE CS professional and student chapters.

The IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organisation dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Its members work in various fields of engineering, computing and technology.

Técnico researchers named IEEE Fellows: