Campus and Community

Técnico students organise session with management and innovation alumni

The event, organised by the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Students’ Club (SEntInnov), brought together Técnico students and their colleagues in the job market.

Técnico master’s students and alumni (Master’s Programme in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship—MEGIE) gathered on the late afternoon of 18 December in the VA6 auditorium of the Civil Engineering Building at Técnico —Alameda campus.

The newly formed students’ club, SEntInnov, organised the event with the aim of bringing together students and alumni already in the job market. According to Catarina Silva, the club’s president, the objective is to create a strong master’s students community and, simultaneously, open up the topic of innovation to the whole university. ‘Innovation is a very dynamic area, and we aim to expand this spirit inside and outside Técnico,’ she shares.

Francisco Morganho, currently a sustainability consultant, came to the meeting to share his experience of attending MEGIE. The alumnus from Madeira (who was the first student to defend his thesis as part of this master’s programme) gave advice on how to manage finishing a thesis while looking for a job, and answered questions from the audience. In particular, he emphasised the important role of Técnico in the development of his critical thinking, which he acquired during the course.

Like Francisco, five other Técnico alumni recalled their experiences at the school. They are now working in areas such as digital product management, venture solutions, technology consulting services, business and sustainability. According to the president of SEntInnov, the event ‘is an important opportunity for both the master’s students and the Técnico community to understand the impact that this master’s programme can have on their careers’. ‘Innovation is an area that is increasingly valued by companies, which need professionals with academic training in this area to win in a competitive market – we want to convey how this master’s programme enables students to occupy strategic positions in companies, combining engineering knowledge with management and innovation skills,’ she added.

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