The book “Mulheres na Ciência” (“Women in Science”), was released on March 8th. 21 female professors, researchers and students from Técnico are part of this book that includes the testimonies of 109 Portuguese women scientists who have made important contributions to scientific research – in Portugal and abroad.
Last year, Carina Crucho, researcher at CQFM – IST, visited the Pavilion of Knowledge and saw the digital version of the book “Mulheres na Ciência”. “At that time I thought: One day I will be part of this book”, she recalls. Less than a year later she was invited to share her testimony. “I was very surprised by the invitation. I am very proud to be among different generations of women scientists, some of whom I really admire and were part of my academic life”, says the researcher. Susana Cardoso Freitas, professor at the Department of Physics (DF), shared the same pride.
This is the second edition of the book, published by Ciência Viva – National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture. In 2016, a similar book was launched with portraits and testimonies of 137 female scientists. Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science: there are many inspiring women, such as Maria da Graça Carvalho and Manuela Veloso, both Técnico alumnae, and Teresa Heitor and Zita Martins, Técnico professors. The portraits were captured by Augusto Brázio, Gonçalo F. Santos, Rita Carmo and Rodrigo Cabrita. Ciência Viva honours Portuguese female scientists who represent 45% of the total number of researchers in our country and whose outstanding work has been essential for the progress of science and technology.
“Women are part of the scientific world, as well as men, and we are all important to ensure the greatest possible diversity of opinion and to improve scientific knowledge. There have always been women in science, although history has concealed it”, pointed out Carina Crucho. Professor Susana Cardoso Freitas agreed and recalled “there are other equally remarkable women who are also essential for the scientific ecosystem”.
“What motivates me is to have the possibility of turning things upside down, including the molecules!” can be read in the book, as part of Carina Crucho’s testimony. “Women scientists exist and they don’t have crazy hair and they don’t look bored. They are like other women. I want that young women understand that the most important thing a woman can have is knowledge, because it will allow us to go anywhere and to do whatever we want”, says Carina Crucho.