Instituto Superior Técnico Português 3 October 2022

Técnico leads project that seeks solutions to achieve climate neutrality

The "Bauhaus of the Sea" project brings together scientists, artists, architects and local communities in search of answers to environmental problems in the Ocean.


“Professor Cristina Sernadas was my teacher 37 years ago”

Professor Cristina Sernadas gave her last lecture on September 27, at Abreu Faro Amphitheatre.

Técnico organises dozens of science outreach activities at the European Researchers’ Night

On the night of September 30, Técnico researchers will participate in several activities, in three different Lisbon sites: National Museum of Natural History and Science, Pavilion of Knowledge and Champalimaud Foundation.

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Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” – Gustavo Granja

October 4

Webinar “Innovation and Digital Transformation in Portugal” – Arlindo Oliveira

October 6


October 6 Opening Ceremony of the 2022-2023 Academic Year – ULisboa

October 7 NInTec Science Days

October 8 Young Minds’ Movie Night – 3rd edition

October 9 6th European Radiation Protection Week – ERPW 2022

All events
Did You Know 
Técnico Lisboa has a repository of scientific publications that are accessible to the whole community.

Técnico Lisboa has a repository of scientific publications that are accessible to the whole community.

Técnico Job Bank is a job platform that facilitates the supply and demand of employment opportunities to students and recruiters.

Técnico Job Bank is a job platform that facilitates the supply and demand of employment opportunities to students and recruiters.

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