Instituto Superior Técnico Português 4 January 2021

Técnico alumna wins the Iberian Prize on Traditional Architecture Research

The award recognises doctoral and master's theses of exceptional quality, carried out in Portuguese and Spanish universities.


GP 21, the new electric car designed by PSEM

Técnico students win Gulbenkian online hackathon

The team was one of the winners of the Gulbenkian Hack For Good @ Home competition and stood out for their creative idea: a smart pill dispenser.

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All events

Técnico PhD Scholarships 2020/21 – Call for Applications

Until 15 January

Call for submissions – 2nd Cool tools for science, user innovation workshop

From 15 January to 12 February

Applications for Lab2Market@Técnico 2021

From 13 February to 12 February

Did You Know 
Research grants are available to Técnico’s students in several scientific fields.

Research grants are available to Técnico’s students in several scientific fields.

Técnico offers access to bikes, free of charge, to all academic community.

Técnico offers access to bikes, free of charge, to all academic community.

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