Técnico Partner Network has now 17 companies.
These were the words of Técnico president during the Inauguration Ceremony of the new Management Committee – IST CTN Campus.
A team of Técnico researchers collaborated in the project 'FLEXCRAFT – Flexible Aircraft', which was presented this Tuesday, 28th February.
March 26th
February 7
February 26 Faculty Training Courses 2019/2020
February 5 EIM2020 – Mathematics Winter School
February 5 5th Mini-School on Particle and Astroparticle Physics
February 10 16th Reconfigurable Systems Journeys (REC 2020)
Técnico has a renewed health facility witch provides support to the entire community and also to the outside.
Técnico offers a wide range of products, that can be purchased at the merchandising store, available in all campi.