Instituto Superior Técnico Português 5 September 2022

Técnico professor has been awarded a fellowship by the USA Air Force

The two-year fellowship was awarded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) to the “Trustworthy Ad Hoc Teamwork” project.


6th edition of the Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo Award (2021) – Call for applications

Applications are open until 15th September 2022.

Universidade de Lisboa is among the top 300 universities in the world

This year, more than 2500 universities worldwide were listed in Shanghai ranking.

All news

School Assembly Seminar Series 2022

September 5

Professor Adélia Sequeira gives her last lecture

September 14


September 7 Seminar on Probability and Stochastic Analysis – Alisa Knizel

September 8 The exhibition “Viagem do Livro Molhado” is back

September 8 Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning Seminar – Inês Hipólito

September 9 ROB9-16: 2022 Summer edition – DogRob

September 12 2nd Course on Environmental Sampling

September 12 MOOC Técnico: Women in STEM – a MOOC for Educators

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Professor Jaime Campos Ferreira Award (2022) – Call for applications

Until 15 September

Did You Know 
Microsoft provides Office 365 and unlimited cloud space, free of charge, to all members of Técnico academic community.

Microsoft provides Office 365 and unlimited cloud space, free of charge, to all members of Técnico academic community.

Técnico offers several software licenses to install on personal computers. See the full software list.

Técnico offers several software licenses to install on personal computers. See the full software list.

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