Instituto Superior Técnico Português 8 June 2020

Técnico enters the yellow phase of deconfinement


Professor Ana Paiva selected as Radcliffe Fellow

The Técnico professor will join a group of experts who will work on social sciences, humanities and arts.

CERENA researcher is the new national representative of Future Energy Leaders programme

Ana Sousa was the only Portuguese chosen to join the important forum in 2020.

All news

Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning Seminar – Marcelo Pereyra

June 11

Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar – João Gante

June 9


June 9 Lisbon WADE – Lucio Boccardo

June 10 QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths – Zlatko Papic

June 15 CERENA Webinar – Decent work and economic growth

All events
Did You Know 
Microsoft provides Office 365 and unlimited cloud space, free of charge, to all members of Técnico academic community.

Microsoft provides Office 365 and unlimited cloud space, free of charge, to all members of Técnico academic community.

Técnico offers several software licenses to install on personal computers. See the full software list.

Técnico offers several software licenses to install on personal computers. See the full software list.

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