Instituto Superior Técnico Português 21 October 2024

Técnico PhD student wins international prize in nuclear sciences

The European Nuclear Education Network PhD Prize (ENEN PhD Prize) has been awarded to Catarina Pinto.


Técnico student launches rocket in Norway as part of European Space Agency initiative

Gonçalo Martins got top marks in the programme's assessment period, becoming the only Portuguese to be part of the team of 24 students behind the launch of QUACK I.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for climate and energy: Técnico teams up with Chinese university on new laboratory

Instituto Superior Técnico and China University of Petroleum (CUPB) sign agreement to create joint laboratory.

Picnic brings together new students and Mentors

Activities strengthened bonds between the students, in an attempt to introduce them to this new stage in their academic life.

Técnico students receive Feedzai scholarships to support women in science

Four scholarships were awarded at the third edition of the Feedzai Scholarships Women in Science MSc and PhD.

All news

2nd edition of Unite! Widening Open Science Policy Forum

October 24

10th edition of PhD Open Days

November 4


October 23 Ordem dos Engenheiros promotes Mid-Year Conference on Gender Equality in Engineering

October 24 Seminar “Mills in the Creation of New Materials”

October 28 Mathematics Colloquium – Alfio Quarteroni

October 28 2nd edition of NInTec Science Days 2024

October 29 Ceremony to confer the title of Emeritus Professor of Universidade de Lisboa to Professors José Alves Marques, João Pavão Martins and José Manuel Tribolet

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

Técnico Library new webinar programme

Currently undergoing

Programme to Promote Academic Success and Reduce Higher Education Dropouts

Currently undergoing

MOOC Técnico “Plasma Transport”

Until 21 October

“Agrifood Disruptor” initiative

Until 21 October

Santander X Awards

Until 22 October

Specialisation Course "ISO 27001 Implementer Foundation"

Until 23 October

2025 FAQtos Awards – Secondary school

Until 25 October

New specialisation course "Generative Artificial Intelligence"

Until 26 October

Universidade de Lisboa Award 2023

Until 28 October

Did You Know 
The Técnico merchandise store has new mugs printed with some of the most symbolic science images of research carried out in the Institution: Black holes, plasmas, crystals, robots and much more.

The Técnico merchandise store has new mugs printed with some of the most symbolic science images of research carried out in the Institution: Black holes, plasmas, crystals, robots and much more.

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It is possible to contribute to science that is done at Técnico, helping students and researchers of the School, by completing questionnaire surveys on the work developed by the Técnico Community within the scope of Research Projects and Theses.

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