Instituto Superior Técnico Português 27 April 2020

Técnico signed a protocol for swab production

The ceremony took place this Thursday at IST – CTN campus.


Five projects “made in” Técnico selected by Carnegie Mellon Portugal

Seven projects will be funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) with a total funding of €453,000. Five funded projects are led by INESC-ID researchers.

e-CoVig: a COVID-19 symptom tracker developed at Técnico

The project led by the Institute for Systems and Robotics will be one of the projects funded by FCT – Research 4 COVID-19.

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Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar – Gonçalo M. Correia (via Zoom)

April 28

Técnico+ Expert Talk (i) – Luís Mira Amaral

April 29


April 29 QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths – Semyon Klevtsov (via Zoom)

April 30 Técnico+ Expert Talk (i) – Rafaela Cardoso

April 30 Técnico+ Expert Talk – Miguel Mira da Silva

April 30 CENTRA Seminar – Yasutaka Koga (Zoom meeting)

November 27 Quantum for Plasmas & Plasmas for Quantum – Marija Vranic

July 22 SustSC 2021 – III Conference on Sustainable Supply Chains

May 4 Specialisation Course – Business Intelligence and Advanced Data Analytics

All events
Did You Know 
Técnico Lisboa has a repository of scientific publications that are accessible to the whole community.

Técnico Lisboa has a repository of scientific publications that are accessible to the whole community.

Técnico Job Bank is a job platform that facilitates the supply and demand of employment opportunities to students and recruiters.

Técnico Job Bank is a job platform that facilitates the supply and demand of employment opportunities to students and recruiters.

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