Instituto Superior Técnico Português 28 October 2024

Técnico TLMoto presents the fastest electric motorcycle built by students in Portugal

The TLM04e rollout brought together a large audience at Técnico – Alameda campus.


Técnico brings engineering and science outreach activities to schools during Science and Technology Week

The 1st edition of “Engenharia e Ciência vão à Escola” will showcase more than 12 scientific areas to dozens of primary schools from 18 to 22 November.

Maria do Rosário Partidário explains the choice of Alcochete for the new airport during an open lecture at Técnico

The Técnico professor explained the solution proposed by the Independent Technical Commission for the new Airport, which she led.

TagEnergy and Técnico strengthen support for women in the Energy sector with ‘Women in Energy MSc’ Scholarships

For the second time, two Técnico students were awarded scholarships that encourage women to work in the energy sector.

National Health Service highlighted during a lecture held at Técnico

Adalberto Campos Fernandes, former Minister of Health, was the first guest speaker for a lecture within the Engineering, Decision and Public Policies curricular unit.

All news

Ceremony to confer the title of Emeritus Professor of Universidade de Lisboa to Professors José Alves Marques, João Pavão Martins and José Manuel Tribolet

October 29

10th edition of PhD Open Days

November 4


October 28 Mathematics Colloquium – Alfio Quarteroni

October 28 2nd edition of NInTec Science Days 2024

October 30 Discover Técnico – APIST guided tour of the Institute for Systems and Robotics

October 30 E.Stories@Técnico

October 30 Webinar “Ethics and academic integrity for 1st cycle students”

November 2 ULisboa concert “AMICI – Autumn concert”

November 4 1st edition of Técnico Innovation Summit

November 4 Tropical Summit – “Foreseeing Answers to Global Challenges”

November 4 1st edition of “Workshop in Phylogeny and Cophylogeny: Tree for a Tango”

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

“UPHYMOB – Upskilling for H2 mobility” training course

Currently undergoing

Técnico Library new webinar programme:

Currently undergoing

Programme to Promote Academic Success and Reduce Higher Education Dropouts

Currently undergoing

Universidade de Lisboa Award 2023

Until 28 October

Specialisation Course “Operations Management”

Until 29 October

ULisboa redeSAÚDE Award 2024

Until 30 October

Training Course “Blockchain, Web3 and Tokenization”

Until 6 November

1st Edition of Lisbon Blockchain Winter School (LxBWS)

Until 9 November

Did You Know 
The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

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