Instituto Superior Técnico Português 1 June 2020

Aalto University has awarded honorary doctorate to professor Luísa Coutinho in the field of technology

The Técnico professor (Department of Mechanical Engineering) has a remarkable track record of achievements and has collaborated with the Finnish university for the past 20 years.


SILICE Project: a platform that promotes social innovation ideas and international cooperation

Instituto Superior Técnico was one of the consortium partners behind this project, co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus+ programme

A game that teaches people how to properly use personal protective equipment

Técnico students created the game “EPIs Contra o Covid-19” that helps people properly use personal protective equipment.

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QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths – Johanna Erdmenger

June 3

Técnico+ Expert Talk – Augusto Casaca

June 4


June 2 Lisbon WADE – Maria Colombo

June 2 Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” – Steve Zelditch

June 3 Técnico+ Expert Talk (v) – Luís Mira Amaral

June 4 Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning Seminar – Afonso S. Bandeira

June 9 Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar – João Gante

All events
Did You Know 
Técnico has a Best Practices Observatory that promotes shared knowledge, involving the community members in the quality improvement process.

Técnico has a Best Practices Observatory that promotes shared knowledge, involving the community members in the quality improvement process.

Técnico has a Rankings Observatory since 2015 that aims to monitor IST performance in different international rankings and, in particular, rankings for engineering and technology subjects.

Técnico has a Rankings Observatory since 2015 that aims to monitor IST performance in different international rankings and, in particular, rankings for engineering and technology subjects.

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