Instituto Superior Técnico Português 3 June 2024

Técnico inaugurates logistics laboratory at Oeiras Campus

The Industrial Engineering and Management students will be able to interact with storage systems used in a professional environment.


Técnico alumnus named director of one of MIT’s largest labs

Nuno Loureiro was also a researcher at the Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion at Técnico. His research focuses on theoretical physics and its applications in fusion science.

The depths of our planet ‘mapped’ at a Técnico MasterTalk

Leonardo Azevedo led the MasterTalk organised by the Department of Engineering in Mineral and Energy Resources.

All news

Lab2Market@Técnico 2024 | Final Event

June 5th

Técnico Master’s Day 2024

June 6th


June 3rd LIP Summer Internship Program 2024

June 3rd 17th edition Games Showcase at Instituto Superior Técnico – MOJO

June 4th Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar – Catarina Barata

June 4th 6th Annual Conference of ULisboa redeSAÚDE on public health “Desafios em Saúde Planetária: Capacitar Comunidades para a Mudança”

June 4th INESC-ID Distinguished Lecture – Philip Wadler

June 6th Técnico MasterTalk – Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment

June 6th Spatial Data Science Seminar

June 6th “3-Minute Thesis” final competition – Universidade de Lisboa

June 7th Symposium: Integrative Project in Mechanical Engineering (1st Cycle)

June 11th International Marine Robotics Championship

June 11th ULisboa concert “Heather”

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

“UPHYMOB – Upskilling for H2 mobility” training course

Currently undergoing

Feedzai Women in Science MSc & PhD Scholarships

Currently undergoing

Training course "Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for healthcare professionals"

Until 7 June

4th Course of Environmental Sampling

Until 10 June

Training Course "Programming with AI"

Until 15 June

E.Awards 2023/2024

Until 18 June

Best Practices Observatory at Técnico

Until 21 June

APIST Summer School

Until 21 June

Did You Know 
Técnico has a renewed health facility witch provides support to the entire community and also to the outside.

Técnico has a renewed health facility witch provides support to the entire community and also to the outside.

Técnico offers a wide range of products, that can be purchased at the merchandising store, available in all campi.

Técnico offers a wide range of products, that can be purchased at the merchandising store, available in all campi.

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