Instituto Superior Técnico Português 4 November 2019

Working@Técnico – a project that promotes the health and the psychological well-being of workers

A psychosocial risk assessment will soon begin at Técnico. The participation of all workers is very important.


A cautious approach to 5G

Nathan Leamer shared his view on the potential and challenges of 5G technology.

JUNITEC stands out at Hacking Health

Junitec was the only university team distinguished at Glintt health hackathon.

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19th Anniversary of Taguspark campus

November 6

Searching on EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) at Universidade de Lisboa

November 6


November 7 C2TN seminar – Leonard Wee

November 11 1st MetroGov3C Conference – Governance in Lisbon Metropolitan Area

All events
Did You Know 
Microsoft provides Office 365 and unlimited cloud space, free of charge, to all members of Técnico academic community.

Microsoft provides Office 365 and unlimited cloud space, free of charge, to all members of Técnico academic community.

Técnico offers several software licenses to install on personal computers. See the full software list.

Técnico offers several software licenses to install on personal computers. See the full software list.

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