Instituto Superior Técnico Português 7 February 2022

Professor João Ramôa Correia elected Fellow of the International Institute for FRP in Construction

The professor at the IST Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources becomes the 1st Portuguese to receive this prestigious international distinction.


SONDA: an innovative system that enhances oceanic and atmospheric data acquisition

Martim Lancastre scholarships: “We believe that people’s education is the most powerful investment in life”

The signing ceremony took place this Tuesday at the Civil Engineering Museum.

All news

Lab2Market@Técnico 2022

February 23

ULisboa-RedeMOV 2021 Award Ceremony

February 11


February 8 Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” – Jonny Evans

February 9 Seminar@DEM – Ana S. Moita

February 9 QuantHEP Seminar – Patrick Hayden

February 9 Probability and Statistics Seminar – Matheus B. Guerrero

February 10 OLISSIPO Twin Seminar – Emanuel Gonçalves e Pedro Beltrao

February 11 International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2022

February 12 ULisboa Winter Concert – 2022

March 11 UNITE! ULISSES Project 2022 – Information Sessions

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Mentoring Programme, 2nd semester 2021/22 – Call for Applications

Until 16 February

APIST Nursery and Kindergarten – 2022/2023 Registrations

Currently undergoing

14th Mathematics Winter School – WSM 2022

Currently undergoing

UNITE! ULISSES Project 2022

Until 28 February

Development and Training Programme – Teachers, 1st Semester 2021/2022

Currently undergoing

Did You Know 
AEIST offers Técnico students the opportunity to practice different sports.

AEIST offers Técnico students the opportunity to practice different sports.

The partnerships established with several theatres provide special conditions to Técnico's community.

The partnerships established with several theatres provide special conditions to Técnico's community.

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