Instituto Superior Técnico Português 13 March 2023

Técnico’s first photovoltaic power plant is already operating

The structure was installed on the rooftop of the Civil Engineering building in early 2023 and started to operate on March 7. The project will extend to the entire Alameda Campus.


Physics Seminar Series show that “physics is not exclusively a theoretical subject”

The 9th edition of the Physics Seminar Series took place on 22nd, 23rd and 24th February, at Técnico - Alameda campus.

Alumni Talks Women Edition marks the 8th of March

The event brought together students and former students who shared experiences about Técnico and the job market during breakfast.

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Evocative session in memory of José Bioucas Dias

March 15

8th Bioengineering Week 2023

March 20


March 13 Aerospace Week at Instituto Superior Técnico

March 14 Company Presentation Session: McKinsey

March 17 Meetup with a Company – Fidelidade

March 29 Mindfulness@Técnico: Open Sessions

March 16 Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning Seminar – Valentin De Bortoli

March 29 Easter Concert of Instituto Superior Técnico

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Applications for “Unite! Student Festival Lisboa 2023” are open until 15th March

Until 15 March

“3-Minute Thesis”: Universidade de Lisboa launches competition for PhD students

From 3 April to 17 April

Did You Know 
Técnico has a renewed health facility witch provides support to the entire community and also to the outside.

Técnico has a renewed health facility witch provides support to the entire community and also to the outside.

Técnico offers a wide range of products, that can be purchased at the merchandising store, available in all campi.

Técnico offers a wide range of products, that can be purchased at the merchandising store, available in all campi.

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