Online Version 
Instituto Superior Técnico Português 14 March 2022

Professor Manuela Veloso elected member of the National Academy of Engineering

The Técnico alumna is the second Portuguese woman to join this prestigious institution.


Santander and Técnico reinforce strategic partnership

This Tuesday, representatives of both entities signed a multi-annual patronage contract, which will result in new and varied activities.

Professional mobility highlighted on the International Women’s Day

The debate held at Técnico was attended by the Ambassadors of Sweden, the Netherlands, Ireland and Ivory Coast.

All news

35th JEQ – Chemical Engineering Seminar Series

March 21

JEEC 22 – Electrical and Computer Engineering Seminar Series

March 21


March 15 WiP Seminars #3 – María F. García-Parajo

March 16 Learn more about the Técnico library services

March 16 DEQTalk – María Amparo Bes-Piá

March 16 Seminars@DEM – Ricardo Pereira

April 7 Cycle of Addictive Behaviours

March 16 Técnico+ Expert Talks: “Engenheiros = bons Líderes?”

March 17 Event “Música na Universidade” – Opera Anthology

March 19 LCSC 2022 – Lisbon Case Study Competition

All events
Applications and Registrations 

ORBITAL network organises a World Cafe event at Técnico: “The Patient as the Teacher” (Registrations)

Currently undergoing

Applications open for “Machine Learning, Maths and Ethics: Hands-on” online course

Currently undergoing

Applications for the 2nd edition of “Best Thesis Award” – 2022

Until 11 April

Applications for Master’s programmes (1st call – 2022/23)

From 15 April to 3 July

Did You Know 
The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

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