Instituto Superior Técnico Português 29 April 2024

Sampaio Cabral – “a central figure in biotechnology and bioengineering in Portugal” is the most recent Emeritus Professor at Técnico

The events held on April 12th highlighted the career of the engineer, who launched an autobiographical book.


Junior Enterprise of the Year: Técnico students recognised for the 3rd time

JUNITEC, the Junior Enterprises at Instituto Superior Técnico, has added this honour to the European award “Most Impactful Project”, won in March.

Intellectual Property Day: Técnico presents two more patents

Rafaela Cardoso, a Civil Engineering professor, and Júlio Henriques, researcher at the Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion, present their inventions.

All news

Lecture by Kerry Hamilton – American Corners

April 30

Talent Bootcamp | Alameda 2024

May 3


May 2 redeSAÚDE Workshop “HealthTech Horizont: Inovando o bem-estar na era digital”

May 5 ULisboa concert “Encontro de Orquestras Académicas”

May 7 Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar – João Gante

May 7 Career Training Workshop | Storytelling: The best ally of your Career

May 7 Lecture by Ruth Misener – American Corners

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

“Verão na ULisboa”

Currently undergoing

PhD Fellowships Unite! ULisboa (3rd call)

Until 30 April

Specialisation Course “LLMs: Generative AI for Engineers”

Until 1 May

12 PhD scholarships - CMU Portugal

Until 2 May

Summer Internships - Department of Chemical Engineering

Until 2 May

Bauhaus of the Seas Sails artistic residencies

Until 14 May

International Students 2024/25 (1st and 2nd cycles) – 2nd Call

Until 24 May

Best Practices Observatory

Until 31 May

Portugal-Brazil PhD Fellowships

Until 31 May

Did You Know 
The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

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