Instituto Superior Técnico Português 6 October 2020

Challenges have been overcome during the welcome week


Técnico alumnus wins “Top Talents Under 25” award

Luís Rita was the only Portuguese distinguished this year with this award that recognizes five young talented people in eight categories.

Novabase and Técnico renew partnership

The protocol will award two Scholarships and two Merit Awards to Técnico students.

All news

40th Anniversary of INESC

October 8

CMS day @ IST 2020

October 9


October 6 Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” – Éveline Legendre

October 7 Online info session: “How to apply for a CMU Portugal Dual-Degree Ph.D.”

October 7 Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning Seminar – Weinan E

October 7 UT Austin Portugal 2020 Annual Conference

October 8 Pitch Bootcamp@Técnico 2020 – Online

October 8 ULisboa welcomes first-year students – 2020/21

October 12 RENEW 2020 – International conference on renewable energies offshore

October 12 QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths – Masud Haque

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Técnico Students’ Clubs – 2nd edition

Until 9 October

Técnico Business Cards 2020

Until 11 October

Specialisation course - LeAD: Low-Code Application Development (Online)

Until 12 October

Parking unlimited access cards 2020/21- Alameda campus

Until 13 October

CA2ECTécnico Awards (6th Edition – 2020/21)

Until 13 October

Training course - Data Science: an Immersive Overview (Presential)

Until 16 October

Specialisation course - Agile Leadership (Online) - PT

Until 19 October

New extraordinary KA2 Erasmus+ calls for proposals

Until 29 October

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation scholarships “Bolsas Gulbenkian Mais” – 2020/2021

Until 31 October

Did You Know 
Técnico has a renewed health facility witch provides support to the entire community and also to the outside.

Técnico has a renewed health facility witch provides support to the entire community and also to the outside.

Técnico offers a wide range of products, that can be purchased at the merchandising store, available in all campi.

Técnico offers a wide range of products, that can be purchased at the merchandising store, available in all campi.

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