Instituto Superior Técnico Português 7 December 2021

“Ordem dos Engenheiros” awards Técnico alumna

The master's dissertation authored by Ana Estêvão won the 1st honourable mention of the "Ordem dos Engenheiros” Award.


Técnico alumnus included in Forbes 30 Under 30 list

Francisco Lopes was named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 2022 North America list, in the “Marketing&Advertisement” category.

Sound Particles among the best of “Portugal Tecnológico 2021”

All news

BrainStorms@Técnico: “Where is my mind?” – Mindfulness and meditation

December 9

Christmas Concert 2021 – ULisboa Alumni Association

December 11


December 7 Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” – Ciprian Manolescu

January 27 Workshop 2D Materials for Biomedical Applications

December 13 DBE Seminar – Marta Lopes

All events
Applications and Registrations 

CERN Summer Student Programme – 2022

Currently undergoing

Did You Know 
Técnico promotes preparation activities for the labor market and direct contact with companies inside and outside the campus.

Técnico promotes preparation activities for the labor market and direct contact with companies inside and outside the campus.

IST SPIN-OFF Community aims to encourage students and researchers to start their companies inside Técnico.

IST SPIN-OFF Community aims to encourage students and researchers to start their companies inside Técnico.

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