Where is my mind?
Mindfulness and meditation
An online talk by Zoom, on 9th December, 2021 – 6 p.m.
Mindfulness and meditation have become popular buzzwords in the last few years, promising incredible benefits from better concentration to the treatment of physical and mental illnesses and even to the improvement of social problems. Professor José Carlos Lopes (University of Aveiro) will talk about how many of these benefits are realistic and how to obtain them, and also about how mindfulness-based approaches can be applied to university services.
BrainStorms is an initiative of the “Técnico Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion”, in collaboration with the Academic Development Unit (NDA), consisting of a cycle of monthly online talks with mental health professionals and members of the community at Técnico. Each session has a specific topic and an invited expert who discusses the issue in question and possible solutions. Attendees can participate in a Q&A session after the talk.
The previous talks are available on the Club’s YouTube channel.
Register here.