Instituto Superior Técnico Português 11 November 2024

PhD Open Days – Técnico PhD students showcased their work to the community

The tenth edition of the event took place on 4 and 5 November at the Técnico Innovation Center powered by Fidelidade, featuring the 1st edition of the Técnico Innovation Summit.


Técnico Innovation Summit brings together 21 RRP projects involving Técnico’s participation

During the PhD Open Days, researchers and companies showcased the projects developed within their consortia.

Oeiras campus celebrates its 24th anniversary at 1st Alumni meeting

Presentations, debates and sharing of experiences between current and former students were the highlights of the event.

Blaise Pascal Medal in Physics: Técnico professor honoured by the European Academy of Sciences

Luís Oliveira e Silva was honoured for his contribution to plasma physics, especially his pioneering research into plasma accelerators.

17 Técnico students win Gulbenkian New Talents Scholarships

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has announced the award of 17 Gulbenkian Scholarships to encourage students to begin scientific research.

All news

Webinar “Python for non-programmers”

November 13

Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo Award Ceremony (8th Edition)

November 26


November 14 1st Meeting of Mental Health and Wellbeing Programme at Universidade de Lisboa

November 14 Commemorative session: 45th Anniversary of the Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment

November 15 2nd Molecular Sciences Engineering Symposium

November 15 ULisboa Alumni Meeting 2024 – “Água para todos: onde estamos e o que temos para andar”

November 19 6th International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore (RENEW 2024)

November 19 Meetup with a Company – HCI

November 19 CiTUA Monthly Seminar Series – VitaC: “Application of Circular Economy Strategies to Airport Decarbonisation Roadmaps”

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

“UPHYMOB – Upskilling for H2 mobility” training course

Currently undergoing

Técnico Library new webinar programme

Currently undergoing

Programme to Promote Academic Success and Reduce Higher Education Dropouts

Currently undergoing

1st Edition of Specialisation Course “Estratégia Empresarial para Engenheiros”

Currently undergoing

9th Edition of Tecstorm

From 18 November to 20 December

Specialisation Course “Strategic Innovation”

Until 30 December

Did You Know 
LTI DECivil provides all Técnico community several printing services and training courses in the field of technology.

LTI DECivil provides all Técnico community several printing services and training courses in the field of technology.

Moving between Taguspark and Alameda is free ensured by Técnico's bus, which provides a shuttle service between the two campi.

Moving between Taguspark and Alameda is free ensured by Técnico's bus, which provides a shuttle service between the two campi.

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