Instituto Superior Técnico Português 15 October 2019

Técnico starts a partnership with Católica

As a result of this partnership, a short-term course on blockchain will start on 20th November.


Codacy raises €7 million in funding

Técnico spin-off secured €7 million in a round of funding.

International Day – Exploring a new world of opportunities

Many students participated in the 2019 International Day, held this Thursday at Alameda campus, and had the opportunity to learn more about the various mobility programmes.

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DF-IST Colloquium – Pedro Gil Ferreira

October 16

IN+ Seminar – Jaime Bonnin Roca

October 18


October 16 Searching on Koha

October 21 ICCGS 2019 – Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures

October 16 Presentation Session: A day at McKinsey

All events
Did You Know 
Microsoft provides Office 365 and unlimited cloud space, free of charge, to all members of Técnico academic community.

Microsoft provides Office 365 and unlimited cloud space, free of charge, to all members of Técnico academic community.

Técnico offers several software licenses to install on personal computers. See the full software list.

Técnico offers several software licenses to install on personal computers. See the full software list.

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