Instituto Superior Técnico Português 23 November 2020

Técnico alumna wins André Jordan Award 2020


Técnico research projects awarded during the celebrations of World Materials Day 2020

Susana Farinha won the “Ordem dos Engenheiros” Award, which rewards the best Materials Engineering master's thesis. Bernardo Diniz and Helena Ferreira won honourable mentions.

Técnico alumnus is the first Portuguese to receive the Richard H. Driehaus medal

Election of Técnico’s Governing Bodies (2021-2024)

Student survey on the new Teaching Model and Pedagogical Practices at Técnico

All news

“Unconscious bias: how it impacts careers in science and how to mitigate this influence” – Petra Rudolf

November 27

Explain it like I’m 5 – Vasco Bonifácio

November 28


November 24 Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” – Leonardo Macarini

November 25 DF-IST colloquium – José Sande Lemos

November 25 Probability and Statistics Seminar – Francisco C. Santos

November 25 Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning seminar – Tommaso Dorigo

November 26 Lisbon WADE – Jean-François Babadjian

November 26 Lisbon WADE – Marco Caroccia

November 27 Quantum for Plasmas & Plasmas for Quantum – Marija Vranic

November 27 European Researchers’ Night 2020: Science and Nature

November 30 DBE Seminar – Ana Lanham

November 30 QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths – Gourab Ray

All events

NAPE Skills Factory – 13th edition

Currently undergoing

Técnico PhD Scholarships 2020/21

Currently undergoing

ULisboa / CGD Scientific Awards 2020 – Call for Applications

Currently undergoing

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