Instituto Superior Técnico Português 3 October 2023

The MasterTalks are a unique opportunity to discover the Técnico master’s programmes

All sessions have already been scheduled, taking place monthly until July 2024 and covering all the master's programmes at Técnico.


Técnico organised dozens of science outreach activities at the European Researchers’ Night

In Lisbon, the initiative took place simultaneously in three sites - the National Museum of Natural History and Science, the Pavilion of Knowledge and the Champalimaud Foundation.

Técnico student becomes the Absolute National Chess Champion

After nine rounds, José Guilherme Santos won the title with seven wins and two draws.

All news

IST Distinguished Lecture and DF Colloquium

October 9

Alumni Talks 2023

October 10


October 3 Open Lectures | Center for Innovation in Territory, Urbanism, and Architecture (CiTUA)

October 3 Event “Portugal, a Global Player in the Semiconductor Market”

October 3 Company Presentation Session | Kearney

October 4 Presentation of IRIS Project – Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques at the Supreme Court of Justice

October 4 Initial seminar of the 19th edition of the “Observar e Aprender” project

October 6 4th edition of the “Annual FuseNet Teacher Training Day” – 2023

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

Specialisation Course "Management for Engineers"

Until 3 October

TecInnov Jerónimo Martins 2023

Until 9 October

Auditions for the Choir of Universidade Lisboa

Until 12 October

Alameda campus parking – Applications for unlimited access cards 2023/2024

Until 13 October

TecInnov NOS 2023

Until 16 October

Specialisation course "Cyber Security and Data Protection for non-technical professionals"

Until 19 October

2nd edition E-Redes Scholarship | Top Women Scholarship Program

Until 20 October

Training Course “Blockchain, Web3 and Tokenization”

Until 1 November

Specialisation Course "Data Science and Unsupervised Data Analysis"

Until 23 December

Did You Know 
The Técnico merchandise store has new mugs printed with some of the most symbolic science images of research carried out in the Institution: Black holes, plasmas, crystals, robots and much more.

The Técnico merchandise store has new mugs printed with some of the most symbolic science images of research carried out in the Institution: Black holes, plasmas, crystals, robots and much more.

It is possible to contribute to science that is done at Técnico, helping students and researchers of the School, by completing questionnaire surveys on the work developed by the Técnico Community within the scope of Research Projects and Theses.

It is possible to contribute to science that is done at Técnico, helping students and researchers of the School, by completing questionnaire surveys on the work developed by the Técnico Community within the scope of Research Projects and Theses.

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