Instituto Superior Técnico Português 13 November 2023

Técnico professor to lead European Space Agency working group

Zita Martins is the first Portuguese to lead the Solar System Exploration Working Group.


Técnico wins six awards and six honourable mentions at the ULisboa/CGD Scientific Awards

Técnico is the ULisboa school with the highest number of award winners in the 2023 edition, representing a quarter of the laureates.

Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering at Técnico achieves first place at European level in Shanghai ranking

After a few years in Europe's top 3 in this engineering field, the School has reached the top spot in the 2023 edition.

All news

6th Meeting of the Observatory of Best Practices at Instituto Superior Técnico (ObservIST) 2023

November 14

Técnico MasterTalk – Department of Computer Science and Engineering

November 16


November 14 Workshop “Metabolism and mathematical models: Two for a tango” | 3rd Edition

November 14 7th Annual Conference of ULisboa redeSAÚDE “Viver em qualidade: Valor em saúde e bem-estar”

November 14 Career Training Workshop | Empower your CV & Cover Letter by BCG

November 15 Meetup with a Company – HCI

November 15 Webinar “How to make a successful presentation”

November 18 ATHENS Programme: November session 2023

November 21 Meetup with a Company – Cisco

November 21 Career Training Workshop | Ace the Interview by Kearney

November 21 Webinar “Doing Science with and for People”

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

2nd Edition of the Faber Entrepreneurship Program

Currently undergoing

9th edition of PhD Open Days

Until 15 November

Specialisation Course "Radiological Protection and Safety (medical area)"

Until 27 November

Specialisation Course "Data Science and Unsupervised Data Analysis"

Until 23 December

José Mariano Gago Prospective Analysis Award

Until 31 December

Initiative “Conta-nos a tua ciência” of Universidade de Lisboa

Until 31 December

Did You Know 
Técnico has a renewed health facility witch provides support to the entire community and also to the outside.

Técnico has a renewed health facility witch provides support to the entire community and also to the outside.

Técnico offers a wide range of products, that can be purchased at the merchandising store, available in all campi.

Técnico offers a wide range of products, that can be purchased at the merchandising store, available in all campi.

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