Instituto Superior Técnico Português 16 November 2020

Project “Engenharia nas Escolas de Oeiras” brings the magic of Science and Technology to students

This project is a result of the memorandum of understanding signed between Instituto Superior Técnico and Oeiras Municipality.


“Mind For Lean” team wins Navigator Merit Award

CA2ECTécnico Awards: Santander supports 17 projects developed by student groups

The award ceremony took place virtually this Tuesday, 10th November.

All news

Cybersecurity, Pandemic and Challenges for Companies

November 18

Alumni E.Stories & Launch pad to E.Awards@Técnico 2020

November 18


November 16 Teaching Model and Pedagogical Practices 21-22

November 16 Lithium-ion batteries: Environmental impact and technological advantages

November 16 QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths – Jiannis K. Pachos

November 17 Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” – Sílvia Anjos

November 18 DF-IST colloquium – Joana Gonçalves de Sá

November 18 NeegiCares Day

November 18 EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) – Training session

November 20 Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning Seminar – Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb

November 21 IST GameLab – 5th Alumni Meeting

November 23 Energy Virtual Experience – EVEx 2020: Ibero-American post-pandemic energy transition

November 23 QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths – Eslam Khalaf

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Professor Jaime Campos Ferreira Award 2020

Until 27 November

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Specialisation Programme

Until 30 November

Data Science Specialisation Programme for Engineers (DaSh)

Currently undergoing

PT-CERN PhD Scholarships

Currently undergoing

PhD Scholarships – CMU Portugal

Currently undergoing

Técnico PhD Scholarships

Currently undergoing

Did You Know 
The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

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