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Instituto Superior Técnico Português 21 May 2024

Técnico professor receives the Blaise Pascal Medal in Physics awarded by the European Academy of Sciences

Luís Oliveira e Silva is honoured for his “exceptional contributions to plasma physics, particularly in the realm of laser and particle beam interactions”.


Hundreds of students prepare for the job market with Talent Bootcamp at Técnico

On 3rd and 4th May, the Técnico students were able to improve their communication skills in business environment.

Técnico and CMU Portugal Programme launch new academy

The CMU Portugal Academy will offer postgraduate programmes and, at a later stage, doctoral programmes in the Digital Technologies sector.

All news

Técnico MasterTalk – Department of Engineering in Mineral and Energy Resources

May 21

“Dia do Técnico 2024” – Solemn Ceremony

May 23


May 21 Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar – Isabel Coutinho

May 22 Book launch session “Stochastic Processes. Theory, Examples & Exercises” | IST Press

May 22 Webinar “How to choose a journal for research paper publication?”

May 23 Alumni dinner “Keep in Touch” 2024

May 23 IST Distinguished Lecture: “From Einstein and Bell to Quantum Technologies” – Alain Aspect (Nobel Prize in Physics 2022)

May 24 Professor Joaquim Marçalo gives his last lecture

May 25 ROB9-16 DIY (DoItYourself) – Artificial Intelligence

May 27 IST Distinguished Lecture – Anne L’Huillier (Nobel Prize in Physics 2023)

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

“Verão na ULisboa”

Currently undergoing

“UPHYMOB – Upskilling for H2 mobility” training course

Currently undergoing

“Verão na ULisboa” – Applications for Group Monitor

Until 22 May

Applications for International Students 2024/25 (1st and 2nd cycles) – 2nd Call

Until 24 May

Applications for NAPE Team

Until 26 May

The Best Practices Observatory at Técnico

Until 31 May

Portugal-Brazil PhD Fellowships

Until 31 May

E.Awards 2023/2024

Until 18 June

APIST Summer School

Until 22 June

Decisions issued by the Técnico Governing Bodies 

School Council
It was decided to maintain the 2024/2025 tuition fees for all degree programmes, except for the master’s degrees in Data Science and Engineering and Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which are lower than in previous years.

School Assembly
The President of the Pedagogical Council was heard on curriculum restructuring and prospects. The coordinator of the Institutional Studies, Planning and Quality Area presented the actions taken to monitor Técnico’s Strategic Plan in real time and the school’s performance. One of these resulted from the discussions at the School Assembly Seminar Series.

A motion of deep gratitude to the Armed Forces Movement and the Portuguese people was unanimously approved, while also praising the role of many students, professors and staff at Instituto Superior Técnico who, with their courage and struggles, made our school an important centre of resistance to the dictatorship.

Governing Board

The regulations of the Oeiras Campus Management Committee were approved (only available in Portuguese).

A positive opinion was given to proposals for curricular changes to the master’s degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Applied Mathematics and Computation. New proposals for changes to degree courses will only be considered for 2025/26, provided they are submitted by 31 January 2025.

Did You Know 
The Técnico merchandise store has new mugs printed with some of the most symbolic science images of research carried out in the Institution: Black holes, plasmas, crystals, robots and much more.

The Técnico merchandise store has new mugs printed with some of the most symbolic science images of research carried out in the Institution: Black holes, plasmas, crystals, robots and much more.

It is possible to contribute to science that is done at Técnico, helping students and researchers of the School, by completing questionnaire surveys on the work developed by the Técnico Community within the scope of Research Projects and Theses.

It is possible to contribute to science that is done at Técnico, helping students and researchers of the School, by completing questionnaire surveys on the work developed by the Técnico Community within the scope of Research Projects and Theses.

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