Instituto Superior Técnico Português 25 March 2024

Satellite made entirely at Técnico to hitch ride on Ariane 6 in summer 2024

The Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Elvira Fortunato, visited ISTsat-1 at the Taguspark campus of the Instituto Superior Técnico, before its departure for French Guiana, from where it will be launched into space.


Lab2Market@Técnico acceleration programme announces the five finalists

The five finalists of the 2024 edition have already started to work on developing their ideas.

Futurália: “They come directly to Técnico exhibition stand, the ‘brand’ speaks for itself”

Until March 23, Técnico students and professors will be at the Lisbon International Fair (FIL) to share their experiences.

All news

Técnico Open Day 2024

April 20th

Ceremony to confer the title of Emeritus Professor of Universidade de Lisboa to Joaquim Sampaio Cabral

April 12th


March 25th “Æternum – Spring Concert” – Universidade de Lisboa

March 26th Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar – Chryssa Zerva

March 26th EIT InnoEnergy Master’s School Open Day

April 2nd Workshop “Master’s dissertation – Do you take up the challenge?” (2nd cycle)

April 4th Book launch session “Pelo Sonho É Que Vamos: Chegamos? Não Chegamos?”

April 5th ULisboa – RedeMOV conference: “The political context of PEC 25”

April 11th Técnico MasterTalk – Department of Mathematics

April 11th Webinar “1.º Direito: a construção de um balanço. O Programa de Apoio ao Acesso à Habitação”

April 12th Workshop “Joaquim Cabral’s legacy on Enzyme, Bioprocess and Stem Cell Engineering

April 12th Jonathan Seth Dordick will be awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by Universidade de Lisboa

April 13th APIST Creative Dance Workshop – “The Dance of the Hands”

All events
Applications and Registrations 

“Técnico Holiday Programme | Easter 2024”

Currently undergoing

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing


Until 7 April

“3-Minute Thesis” competition – Universidade de Lisboa

Until 8 April

2024 CMU Portugal Mobility Opportunities

Until 8 April

"Verão na ULisboa"

Until 9 April

Video contest of Técnico Students’ Union

Until 15 April

Specialisation Course "Deep Learning"

Until 19 April

PhD Fellowships Unite! ULisboa (3rd Call)

Until 30 April

Best Practices Observatory at Técnico

Until 31 May

Did You Know 
The Técnico merchandise store has new mugs printed with some of the most symbolic science images of research carried out in the Institution: Black holes, plasmas, crystals, robots and much more.

The Técnico merchandise store has new mugs printed with some of the most symbolic science images of research carried out in the Institution: Black holes, plasmas, crystals, robots and much more.

It is possible to contribute to science that is done at Técnico, helping students and researchers of the School, by completing questionnaire surveys on the work developed by the Técnico Community within the scope of Research Projects and Theses.

It is possible to contribute to science that is done at Técnico, helping students and researchers of the School, by completing questionnaire surveys on the work developed by the Técnico Community within the scope of Research Projects and Theses.

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