Instituto Superior Técnico Português 8 February 2021

99 Técnico scientists are among the best in the world according to Stanford study

A study released by Standford University at the end of 2020, puts almost 100 Técnico researchers among the most influential scientists in the world, in various fields.


Técnico scientists show how gravitational waves could point to quantum gravity

The results of this research are explained in an article published in Physical Review Letters magazine.

Técnico Library – Book Takeaway Service

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Information session – ULISSES Summer Course 2021 (Oceans without plastic)

February 10

Webinar “The future of the Portuguese economy in the post-Covid period” – Luís Mira Amaral

February 11


February 9 Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” – Vicente Muñoz

February 10 Probability and Statistics Seminar – Ana Cristina Moreira Freitas

February 10 Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning Seminar – Caroline Uhler

February 11 Lisbon WADE – Harbir Antil

February 11 Data Science Talk @ CMU Portugal – Eric Nyberg

February 11 Debate: International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021

February 11 BrainStorms@Técnico: “Men Talks – How to manage expectations?”

February 12 SCERG-iBB Seminar 2

February 12 INESC MN Seminar – Hadi Heidari

February 15 QM^3 Quantum Matter meets Maths – Léa Ferreira dos Santos

All events

Applications for INSPIRED project 2021

Until 14 February

Applications for ULISSES project – International Summer School (1st edition – 2021) * new deadline

Until 28 February

Did You Know 
Técnico has a Best Practices Observatory that promotes shared knowledge, involving the community members in the quality improvement process.

Técnico has a Best Practices Observatory that promotes shared knowledge, involving the community members in the quality improvement process.

Técnico has a Rankings Observatory since 2015 that aims to monitor IST performance in different international rankings and, in particular, rankings for engineering and technology subjects.

Técnico has a Rankings Observatory since 2015 that aims to monitor IST performance in different international rankings and, in particular, rankings for engineering and technology subjects.

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