In the framework of the Advanced Training Program in Data Science and Machine Learning of the CMU Portugal Program, which is planned to start in 2021, the CMU Portugal Program is organizing a series of webinars titled “Data Science Talks @ CMU Portugal”.
The second talk will take place on February 11th, from 2-3 p. m. (Lisbon) by Eric Nyberg (Professor at the Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University) on “AI Learns to Race: Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving”.
This talk will present the Roborace challenge, the first global event for autonomous Formula-1 race cars. The Roborace organization provides full-size autonomous vehicles, as well as simulation software for training and testing autonomous driving agents; the competing research teams are responsible for improving the driving capabilities of the vehicle to navigate increasingly difficult autonomous racing challenges. In 2020, a team of students from CMU’s Master of Computational Data Science (MCDS) program became the first U.S. team to participate in Roborace. In this talk, we present our experiences so far, and outline our efforts to move beyond classic approaches with a completely general, reinforcement learning approach for training autonomous driving agents.