Instituto Superior Técnico Português 14 February 2022

IPFN scientists involved in major breakthrough on nuclear fusion energy

The EUROfusion consortium achieved 59 megajoules of sustained fusion energy, proving the potential for fusion energy to deliver safe and sustainable energy.


Técnico alumni are among the winners of ULisboa-RedeMOV 2021 Award

Rosa Félix was the winner in the "Final Doctoral Work" category. Francisco Neves and Ana Filipa Reis were the winners (ex aequo) in the "Final Master's Work" category.

DEEC Laboratory renovated with the support of Feedzai

The inauguration of the “Feedzai Lab”, located at the North Tower (Alameda campus), took place this Tuesday.

All news

WiP Seminars #2 – Raffaella Schneider

February 15

FAIL! Inspiring Resilience – Miguel Duarte

February 17


February 14 Finding the Lost Monastery of Madre de Deus

February 14 DBE Seminar – Inês Godet

March 11 UNITE! ULISSES Project 2022 – Information Sessions

February 15 Seminar “Geometria em Lisboa” – Richard Hind

February 18 14th Mathematics Winter School – WSM 2022

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Pan-European Seal Professional Traineeship Programme – 2022/2023

Until 15 February

Mentoring Programme, 2nd semester 2021/22 – Call for Applications

Until 16 February

Lab2Market@Técnico 2022

Until 23 February

Physics – LHC/CERN 2022

Until 1 March

Santander Universidades Competition 2022

Until 4 March

APIST Nursery and Kindergarten – 2022/2023 Registrations

Currently undergoing

Development and Training Programme – Teachers, 1st Semester 2021/2022 - REGISTRATIONS

Currently undergoing

Did You Know 
LTI DECivil provides all Técnico community several printing services and training courses in the field of technology.

LTI DECivil provides all Técnico community several printing services and training courses in the field of technology.

Moving between Taguspark and Alameda is free ensured by Técnico's bus, which provides a shuttle service between the two campi.

Moving between Taguspark and Alameda is free ensured by Técnico's bus, which provides a shuttle service between the two campi.

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