Instituto Superior Técnico Português 19 June 2023

Master’s Programmes at Técnico: Information sessions and 2nd call of applications in June

The 2nd call of applications for Master’s programmes takes place from 18th June to 19th July. The information sessions will start on 20th June.


Eight Técnico professors elected members of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences

The Técnico professors elected corresponding and full members are joined by the alumnus António Guterres, as honorary member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences.

Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization visits Técnico

Last May 30, the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) visited the Alameda campus and participated in a conversation on strategies and challenges of Intellectual Property

All news

5th session “Contigo+” Programme

June 20

FST12 Rollout – Launching of the new prototype of Formula Student Lisboa

June 21


June 20 Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar – Arlindo Oliveira

June 20 1st Molecular Sciences Engineering Symposium

June 21 Técnico+ Expert Talks: Family Business Management

June 21 Mindfulness@Técnico: Open Sessions

June 26 ISR Get Together | Seminar Series

June 26 Book launch session “Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade”

June 27 “3-Minute Thesis” Awards Ceremony

June 27 Técnico+ Expert Talks: Economic Theory and Business Management

June 27 Scientific Seminar Series at Universidade de Lisboa

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

4th edition “Ciências nas Férias – Engenharia e Recursos Geológicos”

Until 23 June

Applications for Erasmus+ Internships (Traineeships/Placements)

Until 25 June

PhD Research Fellowship - C2TN

Until 15 July

PhD Programmes at Técnico

Until 17 July

Master’s Programmes at Técnico - 2nd call

Until 19 July

Astronomy Summer School of Instituto Superior Técnico

Until 20 July

Specialisation Course – Machine Learning for Chemical Engineering

Until 21 August

Specialisation Course – Cloud Data Engineering

Until 28 August

MOOC Técnico courses on Data Science

Until 30 August

Did You Know 
The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

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