Instituto Superior Técnico Português 24 April 2023

The confessions of professor João Azevedo on his academic jubilee

The Academic jubilee of the full professor of Civil Engineering who taught several generations of engineers took place on 20th April.


Técnico alumni event focused on the debate of artificial intelligence

ChatGPT stole the spotlight and participated in an “unmoderated conversation” between Arlindo Oliveira, Madalena Talone and Vasco Pedro.

7th edition of TecStorm opens to the community

The latest edition of the largest university hackathon in the country included a new category and the first open day.

All news

International Girls in Information and Communication Technology Day – GirlSteam 2023

April 27

Open Laboratories of the Department of Chemical Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico

May 2


June 21 Mindfulness@Técnico: Open Sessions

April 26 DEQ Talk – Felismina Moreira

April 27 OLISSIPO Workshop I Decoding the genome with deep learning

April 28 ULisboa-RedeMOV conference: “Transit Oriented Development and Spatial Mismatch: the case of Curitiba, Brazil”

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Applications for International Students 2023/24 (1st and 2nd cycles) – 2nd Call

From 3 April to 31 May

Specialisation Course – Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

Until 24 April

Applications for Pedagogical Innovation Projects (PIP)

Until 26 April

Call for Doctoral Research Grants in Engineering

Until 27 April

13th Lisbon Machine Learning Summer School (LxMLS 2023)

Until 28 April

MOOC Técnico: Optimal Stopping Problems (4th edition)

Until 30 April

Applications for new innovation programme for researchers at Universidade de Lisboa

Until 30 April

Did You Know 
Microsoft provides Office 365 and unlimited cloud space, free of charge, to all members of Técnico academic community.

Microsoft provides Office 365 and unlimited cloud space, free of charge, to all members of Técnico academic community.

Técnico offers several software licenses to install on personal computers. See the full software list.

Técnico offers several software licenses to install on personal computers. See the full software list.

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