Instituto Superior Técnico Português 15 April 2024

Técnico is the second most reputable ‘brand’ in Higher Education

RepScore, an annual study by the consulting firm OnStrategy, analyses brands spontaneously identified by a representative sample of the Portuguese population.


“If it’s right, it’s right” – an approach to Mathematics at Técnico MasterTalks

Patrícia Gonçalves led the Mastertalk organised by the Department of Mathematics.

Técnico students’ organisation is preparing to launch its first independent video game

'Too Small to Matter' portrays a group of animals in a war scenario, addressing themes such as strength, suffering, loss and hope.

All news

IST Distinguished Lecture – Roger Blandford

April 19

Técnico Open Day 2024

April 20


April 15 Tech Conference at Instituto Superior Técnico – SINFO

April 15 Physics Week at Instituto Superior Técnico

April 15 Open Laboratories of the Department of Chemical Engineering of Instituto Superior Técnico

April 17 Meetup with a Company – McKinsey

April 17 Career Training Workshop | Storytelling: The Best Ally of Your Career

April 17 Webinar “How to retrieve information resources with b-on”

April 18 I.Talks Técnico-Brisa: Fostering Innovation between Academia and Industry

April 19 Technology marathon TecStorm (8th edition)

April 19 StartUp Day @ TecStorm’24

April 21 APIST workshop and guided tour to the Museu Nacional do Azulejo

April 22 Bioengineering Week at Instituto Superior Técnico

April 22 ATTRACT @ Tecnico – Tecnico Labs 4 HPC & AI – powerfully driving everyone’s businesses

April 23 Career Training Workshop | Empower your CV and Cover Letter by BCG

April 23 Company Presentation Session | NOS

April 23 “Mural do Clima”: IST-Environment Initiative “Climate Education Kick Off”

April 23 Priberam Machine Learning Lunch Seminar – Hugo Penedones

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

“Verão na ULisboa”

Currently undergoing

Video contest of Técnico Students’ Union

Until 15 April

Specialisation course "Deep Learning"

Until 19 April

Specialisation course "Supply Chain Management"

Until 22 April

PhD Fellowships Unite! ULisboa (3rd Call)

Until 30 April

Specialisation Course "LLMs: Generative AI for Engineers"

Until 1 May

12 PhD scholarships - CMU Portugal

Until 2 May

International Students 2024/25

Until 24 May

Best Practices Observatory at Técnico

Until 31 May

Did You Know 
Moving between Taguspark and Alameda is free ensured by Técnico's bus, which provides a shuttle service between the two campi.

Moving between Taguspark and Alameda is free ensured by Técnico's bus, which provides a shuttle service between the two campi.

Técnico offers several IT services — WiFi, Proxy, AFS storage, Unix Shell, Web Hosting and Emails — that you can activate autonomously.

Técnico offers several IT services — WiFi, Proxy, AFS storage, Unix Shell, Web Hosting and Emails — that you can activate autonomously.

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