Instituto Superior Técnico Português 24 July 2023

Técnico students win ULisboa RedeMOV 2022 Awards

João Aparício and Francesc Ventura Teixidor were distinguished for their master's and doctoral theses on smart urban mobility, by the Universidade de Lisboa.


Técnico hosts secondary school students for radio frequency project competition

The Francisco Franco Secondary School, in Madeira Island, won the most recent edition of the 'FAQtos Award'.

Técnico professor nominated for the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing

Leonel Sousa will join the Editorial Board of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Transactions as an Associate Editor.

All news

Summer School on Human Factors for Naval Architecture – Design for Safety

July 24

43rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications

July 24


September 4 RaRisC_4Health course: “A mental models approach to risk communication on health applications of ionizing radiation”

September 4 5th edition of the Astronomy Summer School of Instituto Superior Técnico

September 4 3rd Environmental Sampling Course

September 4 ENUMATH 2023 Conference

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

PhD Research Fellowships - LARSys

Until 28 July

Astronomy Summer School of Instituto Superior Técnico

Until 31 July

Specialisation Course – Machine Learning for Chemical Engineering

Until 21 August

PhD Fellowships Unite! ULisboa

Until 21 August

Specialisation Course – Cloud Data Engineering

Until 28 August

MOOC Técnico courses on Data Science

Until 30 August

Specialisation course – Data Science and Engineering

Until 4 September

Specialisation Course – Enterprise Architecture

Until 4 September

Specialisation Course – Finance for Engineers

Until 5 September

Did You Know 
The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

The Student Organisations’ Forum promotes activities and develops the skills of Técnico’s students.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

Técnico Partner Network is being developed in order to strengthen the link between school and industry.

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