Instituto Superior Técnico Português 13 January 2025

New Técnico’s governing bodies take office for the 2025-2028 quadrennium

The solemn ceremony welcomed the elected members of the School Council, Scientific Council, Pedagogical Council and School Assembly.


Swearing-in ceremony of the heads of Departments

Four heads of department renewed their term of office. Seven Técnico professors have been named new heads of departments.

Course coordinators take office for the 2025-2026 biennium

The members of the next School Coordinators’ Council were inducted by the President of Instituto Superior Técnico.

‘Engenharia para Todos’ project has brought Técnico’s scientific expertise to more than a thousand people

The collaboration between Técnico, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores - Investigação e Desenvolvimento (INESC-ID) and the Oeiras municipality resulted in dozens of activities over the last three months.

Isabel Sá Correia elected Secretary General of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences

The Técnico professors Luís Oliveira e Silva, Hélder Rodrigues, Carlos de Sousa Oliveira and Isabel Ribeiro will also take up positions at the institution.

All news

Conference & Exhibition “Driving Energy Transition in EU: The Role of Electric Mobility”

January 15th

Mathematics Colloquium – Pablo Pedregal

February 19th


January 13th ULisboa RedeMOV 4th Annual Conference: “The Urban Interface in the Air Transport Network”

January 15th Webinar “Zotero Reference Manager”

January 15th Santander Scholarships & Students Initiatives Recap 2024 Ceremony

January 21st CiTUA Monthly Seminar Series – VitaC: “Tradition and Monumentality: Large-Scale Housing for Modern London”

January 24th Webinar “LaTeX workshop”

January 25th ULisboa Concert “Breve – Concerto de Inverno”

January 30th ULisboa Concert “O Triunfo da Luz”

All events
Applications and Registrations 

Education and Entrepreneurship Programme of Universidade de Lisboa

Currently undergoing

“UPHYMOB – Upskilling for H2 mobility” training course

Currently undergoing

Técnico Library new webinar programme

Currently undergoing

MOOC Técnico “Photovoltaic Solar Energy”

Currently undergoing

5th Edition of ULISSES Project

Until 15 January

Outgoing Mobility

Until 16 January

Specialisation Course “Business Architecture”

Until 20 January

Specialisation course “Supply Chain Management”

Until 20 January

5th edition of Specialisation Course “Decision Engineering”

Until 21 January

Exploratory Research Projects under the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU Portugal)

Until 22 January

Did You Know 
Técnico has a Best Practices Observatory that promotes shared knowledge, involving the community members in the quality improvement process.

Técnico has a Best Practices Observatory that promotes shared knowledge, involving the community members in the quality improvement process.

Técnico has a Rankings Observatory since 2015 that aims to monitor IST performance in different international rankings and, in particular, rankings for engineering and technology subjects.

Técnico has a Rankings Observatory since 2015 that aims to monitor IST performance in different international rankings and, in particular, rankings for engineering and technology subjects.

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