
Santander Scholarships & Students Initiatives Recap 2024 Ceremony

Técnico Innovation Center (Hall 1)

15 January, at 4 p.m., at Técnico Innovation Center (Hall 1)

Date: 15 January
Hour: 4 p.m.
Venue: Técnico Innovation Center (Hall 1)
More information:

«The Santander Scholarships & Students Initiatives Recap 2024 ceremony will take place on 15 January, at 4 pm, at Técnico Innovation Center (Hall 1).

During this event, the CA2ECTécnico – Santander Foundation 2024/2025 awards will also be presented, related to the Extracurricular Activities Support Competition – CA2ECT 2024/25, which serves as another excellent example of cooperation, highlighting the importance of activities that complement the training of students involved in the students’ organisations.

Over the past years, Técnico and the Santander Foundation have supported numerous initiatives. These include supporting extracurricular activities of students’ organisations, providing scholarships for students with socioeconomic needs and for students wishing to study abroad, and funding research development scholarships for Professors and Researchers.»