Campus and Community

New Técnico’s governing bodies take office for the 2025-2028 quadrennium

The solemn ceremony welcomed the elected members of the School Council, Scientific Council, Pedagogical Council and School Assembly.

“I do solemnly declare that I will fulfill the duties entrusted to me with respect for the duties arising from the Constitution and the Law”. This was the most common phrase heard in the Great Hall of Instituto Superior Técnico on the afternoon of 7 January, when the new School’s governing bodies took office.

During the ceremony, the elected members of the School Council, the Scientific Council, the Pedagogical Council and the School Assembly took to the stage, one by one, to sign their terms of office together with the president of Técnico, Rogério Colaço, and the Rector of Universidade de Lisboa, Luís Ferreira.

According to the president of Técnico, the swearing-in of the School’s governing bodies is a ‘significant moment’ and, more than a ‘mere formality’, ‘the solemn session is a symbol of the transition and renewal of the bodies that will govern the School’, which ‘everyone hopes will be an example of the continuous search for excellence, innovation and progress as the benchmark institution that we are’.

Rogério Colaço also expressed ‘sincere gratitude’ to all the outgoing members for their ‘commitment and dedication to Técnico’, which will leave ‘an indelible mark’ on the school.

In his speech at the end of the ceremony, the rector of Universidade de Lisboa thanked ‘all outgoing members for their contributions’. Luís Ferreira highlighted ‘the generosity of those who commit to their institution emphasising the significance it holds for them’.

Members of the School Assembly

The School Assembly is the advisory body responsible for giving its opinion on all matters of relevant interest to Técnico.

Representing professors and researchers for the 2025-2028 quadrennium, the following took office Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas, António Manuel Figueiredo Pinto da Costa, Carlos Cardeira, Cláudia Rita Ribeiro Coelho Nunes Philippart, Cristina Marta Castilho Pereira Santos Gomes, Gustavo André Paneiro, Henrique Aníbal Santos de Matos, Henrique Manuel dos Santos Silveira de Oliveira, Ilídio Pereira Lopes, Inês dos Santos Flores Barbosa Colen, João Miguel da Costa Sousa, João Miguel Raposo Sanches, José João Henriques Teixeira de Sousa, José Paulo Baptista Moitinho de Almeida, José Rui de Matos Figueira, Katharina Lorenz, Laura Cristina de Jesus Pereira Waerenborgh, Luís Manuel Calado de Oliveira Martins, Luís Manuel Coelho Guerreiro, Maria João Simões Nunes Borges, Maria Teresa Nogueira Leal da Silva Duarte, Nuno Cavaco Gomes Horta, Patrícia Alexandra Afonso Dinis Ferreira, Patrícia Carla Serrano Gonçalves, Pedro Alexandre Simões dos Santos and Rita Homem de Gouveia Costanzo Nunes.

Representing technical and administrative staff for the 2025-2028 quadrennium the following took office Ágata Cristina Raimundo Pereira Marques, Ana Cristina de Almeida Duarte, Carina de Lurdes Rodrigues Cordeiro Tavares, Hermínio Fonseca Costa, Jorge Manuel Coelho Pinto, Nuno Álvaro Rodrigues Tavares, Paulo Sérgio da Costa Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel Portela Teixeira, Rute Catarina Panaças Guerreiro Mateus and Vanda Filipa Neto Loureiro.

Representing students for the 2025-2026 biennium the following took office Beatriz Alves da Cunha, Camila de Castro Quintas Rodrigues, Diogo Miguel de Campos Malaca Serra Ferreira, Duarte Diamantino, Duarte Sampaio Ribeiro, Estela de Figueiredo Leandro, Filipe Viana Mendonça, Inês Oliveira Fonseca, Joana Bento, João Nuno de Oliveira Rodrigues Leite, Manoel Salomé Maio, Margarida Bettencourt Neves Coito, Maria Joana Silva Moura, Matilde Lopes, Matilde Madeira Lopes, Pedro Caldeira Cabral Santos Lima, Pedro Leal, Ricardo Machado Almeida, Tiago Guerreiro and Tiago Quintino.

Members of the Pedagogical Council

The Pedagogical Council’s mission is to ensure the educational quality of the School respecting the strategic guidelines of the School Council and the competencies of the President of Técnico.

Representing professors for the 2025-2028 quadrennium the following took office Ana Fonseca Galvão, Carlos Augusto Santos Silva, Maria Diná Ramos Afonso, Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira, Paulo José da Costa Branco and Rui Miguel Lage Ferreira. They will be joined by six members to be elected by the Course Coordinators Council for two-year terms.

Representing students for the 2025-2026 biennium the following took office Bruna Madeira Fernandes, Carolina Mourinha Brandão, Jorge Gabriel Faz Bulha Marques, Laura Ribeiro Zappavigna, Miguel Gouveia Pinto Leite Alves and Pedro Barão Cunha. They will be joined by six members to be elected by the Course Delegates Council for one-year terms.

Members of the Scientific Council

The Scientific Council is Técnico’s scientific management body, respecting the strategic guidelines of the School Council and the competencies of the president of Técnico.

Representing professors and researchers for the 2025-2028 quadrennium the following took place Alda Maria Pereira Simões, Ana Paula Ferreira Dias Barbosa Póvoa, Dídia Isabel Cameira Covas, Duarte Miguel de França Teixeira dos Prazeres, Fernando Manuel Bernardo Pereira, Francisco Manuel da Silva Lemos, Hugo Ricardo Nabais Tavares, Jacinto Carlos Marques Peixoto do Nascimento, José Joaquim Gonçalves Marques, Maria Cristina Carvalho de Aguiar Câmara, Maria do Rosário Gomes Ribeiro, Maria Inês Camarate de Campos Lynce de Faria, Maria Rafaela Pinheiro Cardoso, Paulo Jorge Coelho Ramalho Oliveira, Pedro Ferreira dos Santos and Ricardo José de Figueiredo Mendes Vieira.

They will be joined by eight members to be elected by the Research Units Council for the 2025-2026 biennium.

Members of the School Assembly

The School Council is the strategic decision-making body that oversees compliance with the law, the Statutes and, in particular, the Técnico’s mission.

Representing professors and researchers for the 2025-2028 quadrennium the following took place Ana Leonor Mestre Vicente Silvestre, João Paulo Arriegas Estevão Correia Leal, Leonel Augusto Pires Seabra de Sousa, Luís Miguel de Oliveira e Silva, Maria Amélia Nortadas Duarte de Almeida Lemos, Maria Raquel Múrias dos Santos Aires Barros, Miguel Afonso Dias de Ayala Botto, Pedro José de Almeida Bicudo and Rui Fuentecilla Maia Ferreira Neves.

Representing the technical and administrative staff for the 2025-2028 quadrennium the following took place Ana Bela Teixeira Pereira.

Representing the students for the 2025-2026 biennium the following took place António Martins de Moura Gonçalves Jarmela and Inês Mosa Costa Maia.

They will be joined by three members not linked to Técnico, to be co-opted by the other members for the 2025-2028 quadrennium.

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