No próximo dia 27 de janeiro, pelas 14h30, assistir-se-á a mais um evento promovido pelo American Corner@IST.
O Diretor de I&D do DIH – Design Institute for Health (University of Texas, Austin) – professor José Colucci – será o orador da palestra subordinada ao tema “Primary care: eHealth and humanization of technology”.
In the past, the main causes of death were infectious diseases, casualties of war and accidents; today, the main problems in health are obesity, hypertension, diabetes, depression, loneliness and suicide. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that by 2020, non-communicable diseases will account for 80 percent of the global burden of disease, causing seven out of every 10 deaths in developing countries. The modern nature of disease has changed but the modern healthcare system has not. Technology solutions are often proposed but do they meet the need of patients and providers? In this talk we will explore how to use design thinking and systems design to adapt healthcare to our contemporary challenges and humanize technology.
A entrada é livre, sujeita à lotação da sala.
Local: Pavilhão de Engenharia Civil, Centro de Congressos – piso -1, Sala 01.1.