No âmbito do Ciclo de Seminários do CEGIST (Centro de Estudos de Gestão do Técnico) realiza-se no dia 28 o próximo seminário, promovido pelo grupo de investigação em Operações, Logística e Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento (OpLog).
• 28 de outubro de 2021, quinta-feira, 11h – Presencial (sala 0.16) & Online (via Zoom).
• Oradores: Felix Feldmann e Pascal Kaiser (Technische Universität Dortmund, TUD, Alemanha).
• Título: “Silicon Economy made in Dortmund: Logistics Research and Impressions”.
• Resumo: How can we learn from platforms like Uber, Airbnb or Netflix in order to develop the logistics for the future?
This is the main idea of the Silicon Economy, the vision of logistics out of Dortmund. Looking into the logistics research location Dortmund. This means giving a short introduction into the logistics ecosystem and the facilities in Dortmund, as well as highlighting the road from industry 4.0 to a Silicon Economy. After outlining this vision, we will show examples out of our research centers that are utilizing this vision in order to develop new solutions for the industry.
Os seminários do CEG são de livre acesso e gratuitos.