“Higher order statistics in the late-time cosmological observables: from analytical to numerical results” é o título do Seminário desta semana do Centro de Astrofísica e Gravitação (CENTRA) com o professor Giuseppe Fanizza (Ciências, ULisboa).
Será realizado no dia 26 de março de 2020, pelas 14h30, através do sistema de Videoconferência da plataforma Zoom (link: https://zoom.us/j/282040831 / contact justin.feng@tecnico.ulisboa.pt).
In this talk, I will provide a systematic and rigorous classification of all the possible choices for averaging observables in cosmology. These new results will be applied to reconstruct the pdf’s for cosmological observables such as the distance-redshift relation in order to reconstruct the non-gaussian profile emerging from N-body relativistic simulations. Finally, I will discuss which are the relativistic effects leading to this behavior.