No âmbito do programa UT Austin Portugal, em particular do projeto de investigação STREACKER, terá lugar no próximo dia 28 de outubro de 2019, entre as 16h e as 17h, o seminário intitulado “Biomechanical Analyses of Human Movement Aimed at Improving Rehabilitation Outcomes”.
O professor Richard Neptune (Cockrell School of Engineeering, University of Texas at Austin, EUA) será o palestrante, que integra a equipa de investigadores do projeto.
The human neuromusculoskeletal system is exceedingly complex due to highly nonlinear multi-body dynamics and musculotendon actuators, and redundant muscle control that isn’t well understood. As a result, gaining insight into normal and pathological movement remains a challenge due to the extremely difficult task of identifying causal relationships between muscle force development and resulting movement dynamics. This talk will discuss how experimental and modeling and simulation techniques are being used to gain insight into the biomechanics and neuromotor control of human movement with the goal to improve rehabilitation outcomes for those with movement disabilities. Specifically, we will look at how biomechanical analyses of specific movement tasks can give insight into how individual muscles contribute to specific biomechanical functions such as providing body support, forward propulsion and balance control and how clinical interventions can help or hinder the performance of these functions.
Local: Pavilhão de Mecânica II, piso 1, Anfiteatro de Mecânica (AM).