
IST Distinguished Lecture – David Audretsch

via Zoom

“Linking Entrepreneurship to Innovation and Job Creation” - 17h

O professor David Audretsch será o orador da próxima “IST Distinguished Lecture”, promovida no âmbito do American Corner@IST, em colaboração com o Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão (DEG).

• 8 de julho 2021, quinta-feira, 17h00 – Online (via Zoom)

• Orador: David B. Audretsch (Distinguished Professor; Ameritech Chair of Economic Development; Director, Institute for Development Strategies; O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA. Cofundador da revista científica Small Business Economics/Springer. Consultor das Nações Unidas, Banco Mundial, OCDE, Comissão Europeia, e Departamento de Estado dos EUA.)

• Título: “Linking Entrepreneurship to Innovation and Job Creation

• Resumo:
A world beset by societal and economic challenges seeks new knowledge and ideas championing innovative remedies for a better path forward. An important insight from this past generation of research is that new ideas alone do not suffice to generate the requisite innovation and creativity to overcome such societal challenges. Rather, entrepreneurship plays a key role for the conduit bridging between new thinking and ideas and their implementation and commercialization through innovative activity. In the post-covid globalized era, where innovation goes, employment will follow.

• Moderador: Rui Baptista (Professor Catedrático de Empreendedorismo e Inovação, IST/DEG; CEG).

Nota: O vídeo da palestra está disponível no YouTube no canal “tecnicotv”.