
Palestra American Corner – James B. Garvin (NASA)

Técnico - Campus Alameda

No dia 2 de julho de 2019, pelas 16h30, no Salão Nobre, poder-se-á assistir a mais uma palestra no âmbito do programa American Corner Portugal.

James B. Garvin (NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Chief Scientist) dará uma palestra intitulada “Space: Enabling our Forever Frontier”.

Five hundred years ago the first “orbit” of planet Earth was undertaken by the Portuguese explorer ‘Fernão de Magalhães’, using mission design and exploration guiding principles that remain in force today as we pursue the exploration of space.
The connections between what ‘Magalhães’ and his team achieved 500 years ago and the past 60 years of space exploration are strong, with catalytic impact as we move forward in our exploration of the universe in the next 50 years. The linkages between Renaissance era exploration by sea and today’s space missions inspires us to look back in order to look forward, as we imagine our next voyages in space, back to the Moon and onto Mars with women and men from planet Earth making the leap from sea to space.

TEDx Talk (2013)

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