
Palestra “IoT/IIoT Evolution” – Ovidiu Vermesan

Técnico - Campus Alameda

No dia 27 de novembro de 2019, pelas 18h, realizar-se-á uma palestra coorganizada pelo Técnico+ e pelo INOV INESC Inovação.

O orador é o dr.  Ovidiu Vermesan (SINTEF Digital, Department of Connectivity Technologies and Platforms, Oslo, Noruega).

A palestra intitula-se “IoT/IIoT Evolution and the transformative effects for distributing intelligence at the edge – vision, trends and open challenges”.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) – as a subset of the larger Internet of Things – focuses on the specialized requirements of industrial applications in various industry segments such as manufacturing, oil and gas, and utilities. Hence, IIoT refers to the usage of IoT in industrial settings. The talk will focus not only on a vision for the IoT evolution, but also on the IIoT capabilities and its potential impact into the industrial environment.

Entrada livre, com inscrição prévia.

Local: Torre Norte, Anfiteatro EA5.

Para mais informações:
Tel: 218 417 894