Seminário Geometria em Lisboa – Pranav Chakravarthy
Título: “Homotopy type of equivariant symplectomorphisms of rational ruled surfaces.” - 16h30...
Título: “Homotopy type of equivariant symplectomorphisms of rational ruled surfaces.” - 16h30...
Título: “Geometric complexity in quantum matter: intrinsic sign problems in topological phases” - 17h...
“Multiple Gravitons and spectral sum rules in Fractional Quantum Hall systems” - 17h...
“TBA” - 17h...
Título: “Manipulating matter with vacuum fields: cavity-mediated transport in quantum Hall systems” - 17h...
“Quantum time crystals” - 17h...
“Optimization Challenges in Adversarial Machine Learning” - 17h...
Título: "Statistical mechanics for complex systems." - 17h...
Título: “Symplectomorphism groups, strict contactomorphism groups, and non-equivalent symplectic embeddings of convex domains.” - 16h30...
Título: “Machine Learning and Quantum Technology.” - 10h...
Este encontro é gratuito, aberto a todos os interessados, mas sujeito a inscrição (obrigatória) até ao dia 19 de setembro....
“Optimal partitions for the Yamabe equation”. - 14h...
“Action versus energy ground states in nonlinear Schrödinger equations” - 14h...
“Stochastic approach to boundary regularity of hypoelliptic PDEs” - 14h...
“Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev Inequalities and their counterparts on bounded domains” - 14h...
Título: “Harmonic branched coverings and uniformization of CAT(k) spheres”. - 16h...
Título: “The nilpotent cone in rank one and minimal surfaces” - 16h30...
Título: “Deep learning for the discovery of parsimonious physics models” | 17h....